Sree Brhita Vista Chemicals Pvt Ltd

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Barium Chloride Crystal

Barium Chloride Crystal

Backed by a team of professionals, we are dedicated in providing an unadulterated range of Barium Chloride Crystal to the customers. We are a globally acclaimed Manufacturer and Supplier of Barium Chloride Crystal from Andhra Pradesh. We make available Barium Chloride Crystal in bulk quantity in p.p laminated woven sacks at pocket friendly prices. Our range of Barium Chloride Crystal is used in various industries as an effective chemical.


Details :

  • Formula : BaCl2.2H2O.
  • Molecular Weight  : 244.2324.
  • Appearance : White crystalline powder


Applications :

  • Used in removal of sulphate ions from sodium chloride brine in caustic and chlorine industries.
  • Used in manufacturing of artificial Barium sulphate and other Barium salts.
  • Used in manufacturing of organic pigments.
  • Used in case hardening of steel.
  • Used in fireworks to give a bright green colour.
  • Used in purifying sugar.
  • Used in dyeing and printing textiles as mordant.
  • Used in heat treatment salts composition.

Additional Information

Packaging Details 5 0 kg P.P laminated woven sacks


Barium Chloride as BaCl2.2H2O


Matter insoluble in water


Iron as Fe

10 PPM.

PH of aqueous solution


Water Soluble sulphides

50 PPM Max.

Sodium as Na

0.03 % Max.

Calcium as Ca

0.03 % Max.